Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome 2013!! and AAWAA's year-End Review!

Farewell 2012!! Welcome 2013!!

Please give generously today to support some of AAWAA’s most important work to date:
  1. Asian American Art Archives accessible through our new website to be launched in 2013
  2. Emerging Curators Program to develop expertise in Asian American art
Your past support has enabled AAWAA to support and promote contemporary Asian American women artists for more than 20 years. Your investment will grow our critical projects - all uniquely undertaken by AAWAA -
  • Presenting and documenting the work of Asian American women artists - see 2012 in Review below
  • Archiving oral histories, digital images, video, and scholarly research accessible to everyone, including students, teachers, researchers and curators on an international scale
  • Professional and personal development and support for artists
Donate online today or mail your donation to:
AAWAA, 1890 Bryant St. #302, San Francisco, CA 94110.

Thank you for your end of the year donation. Your support and encouragement go further than just the dollars!

With much appreciation,
Cynthia, Lesley, Pallavi and Shari

Board of Directors
Cynthia Tom, Lesley Chou, Pallavi Sharma, and Shari Arai DeBoer

AAWAA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID# 20-4544106.
The Asian American Women Artists Association (AAWAA) is a nonprofit arts organization dedicated to ensuring the visibility and documentation of Asian American women in the arts. Through exhibitions, publications, and educational programs, we offer thought-provoking perspectives that challenge societal assumptions and promote dialogue.

For more information contact AAWAA at and (415) 722-4296.

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AAWAA's 2012 Year in Review


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Arts of Pacific Asia Show
Fort Mason, San Francisco
AAWAA was highlighted as the Contemporary Asian American Art representative

Asian Americans at College Art Association
Annual Conference, Los Angeles

AAWAA presented a scholarly panel on
College Art Association AAWAA panel and CWA Panel photos on old cameraAsian American Art.
Chair: Lydia Nakashima Degarrod. Panelists: Jen Banta, Margo Machida, Suzette Min, and Pallavi Sharma

photo l to r:
Cynthia Tom, Jen Banta, Lydia Nakashima Degarrod, Pallavi Sharma, Margo Machida
Inson Choy, Kay Kang, Shizue Seigel

February - May_______________________________________

Literary and Performing Arts
The LP Series featured Asian American women artists performing in variety of media including film/video, music, spoken word, and multimedia collaboration.

A Joining of Rivers 21. LP Series: A Joining of Rivers
Curated by Nancy Hom
International Museum of Women, San Francisco
Performers: Evelie Delfino Sales Posch, Genny Lim, Nancy Hom, Yuko Tamura Biala, Arlene Biala, Ellen Reiko Bepp

2. LP Series: The Enchanted Loom: Writers, Artists and the Brain
Curated by Pireeni Sundaralingam
Thoreau Center for Sustainability, San Francisco
Artists & Performers: Samantha Chanse, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Claire Light, Jai Arun Ravine, Sandya Sood, Quynh Vantu, Debbie Yee

Body Maps 2

3. LP Series: Body Maps
Curated by Margaret Rhee
La Pena Cultural Center, Berkeley
Performers: Bonnie Kwong, Barbara Jane Reyes, Leah Lakshimi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Celeste Chan, Jezebel Delilah X, Jai Arun Ravine, Monica Ong Reed, Rona Luo, Kim Tran, HaeTae, Jean Vengua, Debbie Yee, Yaya

4. LP Series: Tales of Pangu: Lifting Up the Sky
Curated by Nancy Wang
CounterPULSE, San Francisco
Performers: Nancy Wang, Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo, GAPA Men's Chorus, Kenji Oshima

See a short video of the series!

May and  August_______________________________________

Emerging Curators Program exhibitions
AAWAA's Emerging Curators Program provides a platform for curators to develop their vision and curatorial expertise in Asian American Art.

7004233653_18b0fbc46b_nThe Hungry Ghost: Yearning For Fulfillment
Curated by Lisa Chiu
Thoreau Center for Sustainability, San Francisco

7640878514_bc9a026208_mFlying Fish
Curated by Mido Lee & Li Ma 
Co-sponsored by Kearny Street Workshop
Arc Gallery, San Francisco

Workshop: Self-Defense for Women & Artists
Coordinated by Khay Hembrador and Julie Soo
Karate USA, San Francisco

Guest Artist Salon: Glamourbaby Diaries,
video screening and discussion at AAWAA Studios
Guest Speaker: Ruby Veridiano, founder of Glamourbaby Diaries


REFRESH! AAWAA's Signature Fundraiser
Shiz at RefreshAt our 3rd annual Silent Auction, guests were invited to participate in makeovers, photo shoots and enjoy lovely food courtesy of Jitlada Thai.
We are already looking for interesting items for the next auction. Shiz Seigel won the accommodations in Italy.

Thanks to Sue Tom for arranging for the lovely venue in

The Sequoia's Atrium, 1400 Geary, San Francisco.

Year Round

AAWAA UC Berkeley lectureCatherine Ceniza Choy Asian American Studies cynthia discussing internships 3Asian American Art
Speakers' Bureau

AAWAA provides trained speakers, artists and arts advocates for the classroom and events. Let us know if your organization needs a lecture on Asian American Art or if you would like to receive training yourself.


Asia Society to partner with AAWAA 
asia society 12-2012 (4) 3
Asia Society and AAWAA are forging a future partnership to increase attention on Asian American Art. Thanks to Nancy Hom for connecting us with this vitally important organization.

Asia Society Robert Bullock, Director of Programs, Wendy Soone-Broder, Director of Global Corporate Development

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